GrindHouse - the Band > Bios > Robby

Bios of members of GrindHouse - Robby

Robby Wilson / Guitar/Vocals:

I have been in the business for 32 years. Everything from live performances to session work. I also have done the producing of some albums. Some of the groups I have been in are "The Garage Band From Hell, First Fast Train, Colored Stone, The Kyle Bannor Band, The Forgotten, Road Kill, Ruff House, Poker Face". Just to mention a few.

I have been a song writer for many years. I also used to orchestrate/arrange for many groups in the USA. I was one of the promoters for the "Wind River Music Festival" in Carson Washington in the early 90's. I have known Tony for many years now. We were in "Ruff House" and "Poker Face" together. We decided to keep playing music after the two bands disbanded and started forming "Grindhouse". I am also the Owner of Sir Wilsongs Ltd. And the CEO of Thunder Paw Records.

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