That's the icing on these little FatDAW64 browser cakes! It's the skin I'm in, baby!
Ignore the download link in the embedded page below - it's broken, no longer maintained as relevant by OutWorld Arts. However, all is not lost, and you don't have to right click each image to save your own set. We have a much more elegant solution near the bottom of the page, along with a link to the stylesheet for this site.
The link download to the file '' no longer works. I'll try to find my copy, if I ever had one, so we can build a link that works. Or, failing that after a reasonable amount of time, recreate one. In the meantime, ya'll are just going to have to right click and 'save as', or whatever your browser asks about saving files to save a newly assembled copy of '' for your very own.
I found this little image set while doing some back ups and thought, "Why the Heck not?" Couple that with one of my all time fav Strangebanana-derived stylesheets, and so it goes - a new site is born.
(Right click to save the css for your own uses and derivations!)
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