GrindHouse - the Band > Bios > Ric > ric6.html

Bios of members of GrindHouse - Ric

Ric "R2" Frye / Audio Tech/Sound Guy

Ric started playing guitar in 1963, playing folk and blues songs that didn't require very many chords . In High school in 1966 he started playing bass in various bands - a habit he continued until drafted into the Army in 1972.

After he left the military in 1975 he went to the University of Portland, studying Education and Broadcast Communications until 1977 when he moved to Goldendale to work at the aluminum reduction plant.

That was about the time he began building pre-amps, mixers, effects circuits and other audio blocks for home recording projects as well as for other musicians and friends. Later he began to build stuff from his own circuit designs for on board pre-amps, tone controls and effects built into his guitars.

In 1988 he moved to Redmond (a few blocks from Microsoft) where he worked manufacturing I/O cards for programmable logic controllers, small operator interfaces, and building computerized kiosks that performed various functions for corporate, banking and military clients.

Moving back to Goldendale in 1998, he worked various day jobs and played bass for Ordinary Joe.

With the arrival of a "New Millenium" came the end Ordinary Joe and the beginning of a lot of gigging as a sound technician and as a web code monkey.

The past few years have seen him recording and co-producing for various musical friends he affectionately calls "The Ekone Music Consortium" - all local songwriters who sing & play on each other's recordings because none can afford to pay studio rates. Of the "Consortium" Eliza Bundledee and Kirk Philipsen are the closest to finalizing their new albums while others are in various stages in the queue like Mark, Kirk's very musical brother.

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