Extra Terrestrial Trucking

Carl ran Extra Terrestrial Trucking for a lot of years until he retired. The name was a subtle pun that few noticed, because Extra Terrestrial does not mean the same thing as Extra-terrestrial, or extraterrestrial no matter which dictionary you try.

ET has helped a lot of people find their way onto the web, and still has a lot going on behind the current Gone Fishing sign on the front page.

The latest was when one of our friends couldn't run Opentape on his server because the installed perl wasn't a new enough version so Carl hosted the cat's playlist and he used an iframe to include the music on his site.

I have one there, but I don't know if you can call one audio file a play list.

I asked Carl recently what he wanted to do with the ettruck domain and he said he figured he would just hang on to it. I asked how he would feel about turning it into a record label, and he thought that might be fun. So I'm working on it.

One playlist at a time because GrindHouse is hosted on the same server that had the outdated perl version for Opentape, and I'm uploading their 2009 CD now so I can iframe later.

Posted on 21 Jul, 12:22 - Category: ettruck
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